Sunday, April 1, 2012


I broke through my 183/84 plateau this week. Finally. It felt like I wouldn't get past it. Only two more pounds to go for a total loss of 60 lbs. Right now I'm at 181.8. It feels SO good. I didn't realize how truly miserable I was weighing 239 lbs.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yoga, body changes & Jeralyn

Hello all! I've slacked off on writing lately so I thought I would play catch up tonight.

I just got home from a really amazing yoga class tonight. Tonight was the first class where I felt strong. Not like arm flexing, weight lifting strong, but I felt a physical and mental strength in class that I hadn't up until today. I was very focused on what my body was doing during class and how to get deeper into a stretch or pose. It was so rewarding. :)

As for my weight loss the last two to four weeks...I've been stuck in a yoyo of 183 & 185 pounds. I sticking close to my rev muffin diet. (getting 1100-1300 calories a day) And I'm staying more active by my weekly yoga and running 3 times a week. The thing is that I can feel my body changing. My pants that I just bought last month are getting looser. I believe that the running is reshaping my body but building some new muscle. I'm disappointed that I'm not loosing pounds, but I'm encouraged that I'm feeling and looking better by the day.

I realized that I haven't given an update on Jeralyn, my step daughter that came to live with us to help her with her grades and behavior. After a rough initial two week adjustment (for Jay and I) I'm pleased to report that Jeralyn is doing amazing! Not only has she tremendously improved her attitude at home and at school, but her grades are near perfect. Her 4th six weeks report card produced 6 A's and 1 B. We couldn't be more proud of her.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Another good week!

1.6 lbs gone this week. :) I'm down to 183.6! AND I for sure weigh less than my husband now. I haven't done that since high school.

Next goal is to hit the 60 pound loss mark. 4 pounds left to lose. :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's a good day...

Awesome Day Fact One: Today is a good day. :) I woke up this morning and weighed in at 185.2 lbs. That is a total weight loss of 54 pounds. Wow... I'm impressed with myself.

Awesome Day Fact Two: I've only bought two pieces of clothing throughout my weight loss. (bras) I told myself that I wasn't going to spend money on every size clothing on the way down to thin so I was going to wait until my clothes were falling off before I bought any. Well, today is that day. On Friday I realized that if I jogged to the car to get something, my shorts would fall off. haha Luckily I work with my family. So today, Deb and I are going shopping for a new wardrobe! Plus...I'm in a size 16 jeans. :) Deb had to point out to me that I don't have to shop at Avenue or Lane Bryant anymore. I can shop at a regular store in the mall. I haven't done that since college. 

Awesome Day Fact Three: Jay and I began training this week for the Warrior Dash. We just finished our 3rd out of 23 training runs. I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to sign up for it, but either way, we're committed now. So far we've had three training runs. And let me just say...running is stupid. There isn't anything fun about it. So many "runners" I know say it will get better and I'll start to love it but honestly I don't believe them. There is nothing I will love about panting, sweating, lung collapsing, boobs bouncing running. :)

Awesome Day Fact Four: The Rev Muffin plan I'm on now is mentally difficult but physically easy. *if that makes any sense* It's difficult to sit at the lunch table with everyone who is eating yummy meals and I have a muffin. I feel like that's mostly due to my food addiction. Throughout this journey I have come to realize how severe my food addiction really was. It never occurred to me until recently that I ate ALL the time. I was NEVER hungry because I had some sort of food every 90 minutes. I still always have the urge to be eating, but it's getting much easier to resist it. I'm training my mind to not want to be eating during tv time, or when I'm paying bills, or when I'm sitting at work. I feel really blessed to have had so much support from all my friends and family. And mostly to Eric for picking me to be a part of the Rev Muffin Challenge.

Awesome Day Fact Five: I changed the font of the blog because I didn't want anyone thinking I gained 22 lbs last was 2.2. I mean... cheat days are good....but they aren't 22 lbs good. :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

It was bound to happen. :(

I thought I could make a couple of changes and it turned out that was a bad idea. We took the kids to The Great Wolf Lodge this weekend and I decided to use my cheat day early. *this meant I had two cheats days in one week but was planning on not having one this week.* But that failed miserably. I felt ok about it since I was getting a BUNCH of exercise at The GWL but apparently not enough. This week I gained 2.2 lbs. :( Damn.
So... I'm writing this past week off as a epic failure and moving on. Next week will be better!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Fat Tuesday!

In honor of FAT Tuesday, I lost 4 pounds! haha. Working on making it skinny Tuesday! I'm down a total of 56 lbs now. And I'm one week away from officially weighing less than Jay. :) My next goal? A total loss of 65 lbs. 
This new muffin program has kicked my metabolism into gear so I'm sure I'll reach that goal fast!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Results from the new muffin plan!

WOW! I am totally excited to share that after only 3 days on the new muffin regiment, I lost two pounds! I'm down to 187.8. Fifty two pounds total in my weight loss journey.  My current goal is to weigh less than my husband which has not happened since we were in high school together. He weighed in this morning at 185.  I AM SO CLOSE!!  I figured two more weeks and he'll have to start trying to catch up with me. :)

If you are ready to make a change in your life.... this is the easiest way to do it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Life is good!!!


Starting tomorrow I am on a new and improved Rev Muffin Challenge! Thanks so much to Eric Tonips for believing in me to include me in another trial. Tomorrow morning I start with a 6 day a week muffin plan and have one "day off." During those six days I will have 4 muffins to eat as needed from breakfast to just before dinner. Each time I eat a muffin I will drink 16oz of water. IF I need a snack in between any of those, I can eat raw veggies. Then for dinner I keep the calorie count under 500. As before, no sodas, no alcohol & no fried foods. That's it. Super simple. :)

For ANYONE that wants to lose weight or help them to stop over eating, DON'T HESISTATE to order these muffins NOW! They work!!

Can't wait to kick my weight loss into OVERDRIVE!!! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hooray Super Bowl 50!!!

I know, I's not Super Bowl 50. I'm not that out of touch with sports. (mostly) But...I weighed in at 189.8 this morning. That's 50 pounds lost.  Hell to the yeah. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Rev Muffin Journey, my pictures and my thanks.

24 weeks ago, Eric Tonips offered me a chance to help change my life. He wanted me to try out his amazing Rev Muffins to help me lose weight. I tipped the scale at 239 pounds. The plan was simple. Eat one muffin 15 minutes before each meal with 16 oz of water. No fried foods. No alcohol. No sodas.

Today I completed my Rev Muffin journey. My weight is now 191 pounds. I've shed 48 pounds and lost almost 18 inches from my body. I've dropped almost 3 pants sizes. (just a couple more pounds to size 16)

If there is anyone out there that is serious about kicking off their weight loss with something that keeps your appetite in check, please try out the Rev Muffin. The results speak for themselves.

My measurements:

                  August 8th, 2011                                                          January 23rd, 2012

Waist:       45.75 inches                                                                  40 inches
Hips:         54.5 inches                                                                    48 inches
Thighs:     28.5 inches                                                                    25.5 inches
Arm:         16.5 inches                                                                    14.5 inches

Day 1                                                                                                              Day 168

My weight loss journey is still far from over, but I have to thank Eric for giving me a chance to become the person I was meant to be. :) I feel so much better physically and emotionally.

I'll continue to post weekly on this blog to keep everyone up to date on my weight loss. Only 2 pounds away from a total loss of 50 pounds!!  WOO HOO!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

A major change and the weigh in

I'm down just under a pound this week. 192.2. The stomach virus I had at the beginning of last week did not help me. I thought maybe I might lose more since I swear my entire system was cleaned out with that virus. lol Next week is my next set of pics. And I need a haircut. It's getting ridiculous. (do you think my hair weighs anything? probably not)

Jay and I are in for a pretty major change starting today... Jeralyn, our middle child, is officially living with us. She will stay with us at least through the end of the school year. She is struggling with her grades and attitude so we decided the best way to help her was to have her come live with us and go to a new school. We are hoping with the one on one attention and help, she will be able to succeed. *and I'm much more likely to cook healthier with her at the house so hopefully this will benefit us as well!*

Monday, January 9, 2012

Good news and bad news...

I'll start with the good news... I weighed in yesterday and the scale showed 193.0 lbs! Two more pounds gone. A total of 46 lbs so far. So close to the 50 lb goal and so close to weighing less than my husband! So looking forward to that day. :)

The bad news...I'm got some sort of stomach bug and I'm at home today. I'm staying hydrated but not eating much. The thought of food is so not appealing. Here's hoping to a speedy recovery. *maybe it will give me a good start to my weight loss this week.* lol

PS- To Sandra my yoga instructor...I promise I'm coming back. You will for sure see me on the 17th. *my little doggie is having surgery tomorrow and I need to stay home with him* :(