Sunday, November 27, 2011

Say it with me....ONE.....DER.....


I did it! This morning I weighed in at 199.2 lbs!!! And I made it to Onederland during Thanksgiving! I feel like all I've done all weekend is eat, but the difference is that I made good choices at all my meals. I had lots of turkey...but no gravy. I made sure not to over do it on the stuffing and mashed potatoes. I even had a slice of buttermilk pie! But I ate my Rev Muffin before every meal and felt full a few bites into each meal. :)

I've lost 40 pounds since I began my journey on August 7th. This is the first time since college that I've been less than 200 lbs. I can hardly begin to describe how that feels. I'm so looking forward to when I weigh less than my husband does. (this hasn't happened since I met him in high school!)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's a good day here in the Wright house! We have the kids with us and are visiting family today. I also got a surprise that I will reveal at a later date... hehehe

But for now I am excited to share that I lost 3.4 pounds this week!! :) I'm only 5 tenths of a pound away from the 100's!! (official weight is 200.4)

Believe me.. I tried everything this morning to weight just a little less, but apparently, urine does not really weigh that much and I couldn't get anymore naked on the scale. hahaha

Next week..... ONEDERLAND!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


I've decided to start posting my weight the way my scale shows it. Until now I've been posting it without the tenths of pounds. So starting this week I'll be posting a more detailed weight.

I have to confess. I've been slacking. Last week I weighed in at 203.0 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 203.8. :(  Jay and I spent the weekend at the lakehouse with my cousin and some of her friends. I think I know what might have caused this increase in weight. It may have been the chips and guacamole that I might have had. Or the cheddar chex mix that I might have snacked on. Or even possibly the Patron Silver shots that may have impaired my weight loss. We may never know for sure. :)

Either way I'm back on track...Gym time tonight, yoga tomorrow and lower calorie foods!! Onderland may have eluded me this week, but I will find it by Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My passion!

Many of you know my passion for the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day. I thought I would take this opportunity to blog about it and my experience this year. (I will post my weight loss info at the end)

In 1999 my Aunt Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer. By 2001 she was still fighting it with treatment and hopes. That was when I heard the radio commercial. Avon was holding a new type of one had done it before. They were challenging people to walk 60 miles in 3 days to raise awareness and funds in the fight against breast cancer. I was just out of college and thought...this is something I have to do. I  immediately picked up my cell phone and registered as a walker for the April 2002 Dallas Fort Worth event. Most people called me crazy when I told them what I was doing. I had to raise $2200 in order to even get the chance to walk. But I was determined to do it so I raise all $2200 dollars and trained for about a week and a half. lol Even though I didn't walk all 60 miles, I was welcomed into a new family that was united in one goal. To find a cure for breast cancer. For those 3 days, I was in a "3 Day bubble" where everyone was happy, motivating, emotional, generous, courageous, patient, loving and bleeding pink. That's where my addiction began.

Unfortunately in 2003, my Aunt Linda lost her battle with breast cancer. She was only 50 years old. So in 2005 when the 3 Day returned to the DFW area (as Susan G Komen) I signed up right away to be a crew member instead of a walker. I was lucky enough to get a Sweep position. The Sweeps drive along the route in passenger vans, cheering on walkers, blaring music and picking up anyone who needs us. Also that first year I was asked to be the captain of the Sweep Team. :) And I haven't stopped since. This year however I was given another reason why I can't stop doing this. My Aunt Mary was diagnosed and is fighting this ugly disease as I type this.

Last weekend I participated in my 8th 3 Day. (7th as the Sweep captain) Each year I get to enjoy 3 full days with my bff Deb, long hours, sleeping in a tent, showering in a trailer and helping walkers make it to the closing ceremonies. Deb and I are already signed up for next year. Our plan is to switch it up in 2013 and become walkers! :)

With all this said, I actually lost weight over the 3 Day! This came as a surprise to me since the 3 Day has a snack called Graham Snackers aka my kryptonite. It's a peanut butter and grape jelly graham cracker sandwich. It's the devil. lol  So 2 more lbs are gone! I'm at 203... SO CLOSE TO ONEDERLAND!!!!