Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rev Muffin Challenge Results!!!!

Three months ago, Jay and I were selected to take part in a challenge to lose weight by eating Rev Muffins. The challenge was to eat one muffin 15 minutes before each meal with 16 oz of water. That's it. We were allowed to eat anything we wanted for our meals except fried foods. And we were allowed to drink anything except regular sodas and alcohol. Simple enough. :) The muffins taste great and work wonders for keeping us full and satisfied.

Jay and I decided early on that we were ready to take getting healthy seriously. Instead of eating our normal junk food and snacking ALL the time, we incorporated more fruit and vegetables into our meals. We made better choices in our food overall. I immediately began working out when I started the challenge. Trying to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in three times a week. Jay didn't begin his cardio work until the last month of the challenge. *showoff* :)

So today is the last day of the Rev Muffin Challenge and we are ready (and excited) to show you our results!

Jay started the challenge weighing in at 207 lbs.

Week 1                                                                                                           Week 12

This morning Jay reached his goal and weighed in at 180 lbs! 27 pounds melted away!! He went down two pants sizes.

Jay and his fatty pants.

I started the challenge weighing 239lbs. *shudder*

Week 1                                                                                                            Week 12

This morning I weighed in at 205 lbs! A total loss of 34lbs. I am well on my way to my ultimate goal of losing 99 pounds. :)

And now for another really exciting announcement....

Eric (the creator of the amazing Rev Muffin) has offered to keep me on the rev muffin program for a while longer!! He was really impressed with the results from Jay and I. Since Jay has reached his goal and I'm still a LONG way from mine, he asked me to keep it up! :) I'm totally pumped about having this opportunity. And I'm excited to keep you all up to date on my progress.

And to Eric...Thank you again so much for giving Jay and I this gift. It was exactly what we needed to get our lives back. I don't think I could ever truly express to you how much this has helped us. We are forever grateful.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A scale is a scale is a scale...Right?

I went to the doctor's office this morning to have them take my blood again because they wanted to rerun the thyroid test. Why? I don't know...the nurse couldn't tell me. She just said in July it was abnormal. Anyway...

I thought..oh! I was here in July before Jay and I started our getting healthy journey. So I asked the nurse if she wouldn't mind weighing me and telling me how much I've lost since I was there 3 months ago. I guess I was convinced that the doctor's scale is more accurate than my $25 walmart one. :)

She said when they weighed me in July I was 238. (one pound less than my starting weight on my scale) This morning I was 208 on their scale. (I was 207 on Sunday on my scale) Keep in mind on the doctor's scale I'm in clothes and shoes and on my scale I'm in the buff. (you are so welcome for that visual. lol)

So I guess my cheapo scale is pretty accurate.


Monday, October 24, 2011

3...5...25....32.....HUT! Jay and I don't actually watch football, but it just seemed appropriate with the Cowboys win yesterday. Oh....and GO RANGERS!!!!

There is only one week left of our official "Rev Muffin Challenge." The plan is to continue with our food changes, workout programs and we'll still continue SOME of the muffins, but it will definitely be less since we will have to start paying for them. :)

This week's weigh in was really great. Jay lost 5lbs bringing his total weight loss to 25lbs. Jay's weight is 182, only 2 pounds away from his goal weight. (I'm a little jealous)

I lost 3lbs this week bringing my total to 32lbs. I've actually reached Jay's starting weight which was 207.

This last week, we're both hoping to have big numbers and are really looking forward to the before and after photos. *shocking I know!*

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Elliptical showdown...

Jay and I rocked it on the elliptical yesterday. :)

I made my first mile in 8 minutes and 40 seconds.  Jay made his first two miles in 15 minutes and 46 seconds. I ended up at 3 miles in 31 minutes 25 seconds. Jay was just 4/10 of a mile short of 4 miles in 30 minutes flat!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Cruise Results....

For those of you that didn't know, Jay and I went on a Bahamas cruise for our 5th wedding anniversary. We had such a wonderful time. :) We visited the ship's gym, went on a kayak/hiking tour, and did a LOT of walking all over the ship. We made great food choices...ate nothing fried. I took advantage of all the seafood since I rarely cook it at home. (Jay hates fish) We avoided sodas...that part was easy. We might have cheated a little on the alcohol. :)

So our weigh in results this week are as follows:

Jay went from 185 last week to 187 this week. I blame all the red meat he had on the cruise. :)

I went from 211 last week to 210 this week! Hooray seafood!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hooray for the rainy Sunday!

I hope the rain is finding everyone else! It started raining at our house at 7 last night and hasn't stopped. SO thankful for it! It had been so long since we had a good storm that the kids were scared of the thunder and lightening. :)

Weigh in time!!!

We had a good week. :) Jay lost 4 lbs. He is down to 185, smashing through the 189 roadblock he's been at for the last couple of weeks. 22 lbs from his starting weight. :) He is going to buy new pants today since all his are falling off...even WITH his belt!

I lost 2 more lbs. I'm weighing in at 211 now. 28 lbs from my starting weight. :)

We are both really excited about the way things have been going for us. It is definitely keeping us motivated. :) Jay even resisted donuts and sausage rolls the other morning because he didn't want to mess up his weight loss. What a good man. :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

The dreaded pictures....

I thought it would get easier to take these pictures each month but I was wrong. :(

We weighed in a day late this week due to being at a hotel on Sunday morning. My cousin Amanda got married and we decided we would treat ourselves with a night at the Belmont Hotel in Dallas. (the location of the wedding.) It was such a great wedding and the hotel was amazing!

Back to business...

Jay's discrepancy last week has come back to bite him. He weighed in this morning at 189 lbs. (2 lbs up from what he weighed in at last week...if you count the second weigh in.) lol Either way, he is still down 18 lbs and looking really good! We have to go shopping for him this weekend because his shorts are way too big and his belt doesn't have anymore notches to go!

Week 1                                                                                                       Week 8

I weighed in this morning at 213 lbs. 1 lb less than last week. 26 lbs total. The only new clothing I need are bras. :( My girls are slowly disappearing. In my August 11th entry, I posted my measurements. I've decided to update those today.
My upper arms started at 16.5 inches and is now 15inches
My thigh started at 28.5 inches and is now 27 inches
My waist started at 45.75 inches and is now 42 inches
And my hips started at 54.5 inches and is now 52 inches

Week 1                                                                                                     Week 8