Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's keep our fingers crossed....

That uti that should have been getting better, got worse. I'm finishing my second round of anibiotics today. I've been feeling pretty unmotivated about working out but got back on track yesterday.

Also, in just 11 days, Jay and I will be going on a cruise. I'm planning on taking full advantage of their's the food I'm worried about. How am I going to get 30 muffins from Texas to Florida, then on a ship to the bahamas?

Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's know what that means!

It's weigh in day!

It's been a tough week for me. I became ill with a urinary tract infection on Wednesday (tmi?) and thought I was going to have to go to the hospital Friday night because I wasn't feeling any better. Luckily on Saturday morning I woke feeling some sort of relief. Apparently the meds need 3 full days to kick in. Let me just say Wednesday afternoon through Friday night was unpleasant. AND I didn't work out at all. Glad that's over with!

There is a discrepancy with Jay's weigh in this week. ;) He and I weighed in at the same time. The scale showed he lost 2 lbs making his total weight loss 18lbs! About twenty minutes later he decided to weigh in again and the scale showed him at 187lbs. That's a 20 lbs loss. :) He is sticking with the latter weigh in of course.

I got on the scale expecting much of nothing since I've been pretty much immobile the last few days. To my surprise, I have lost 5 more lbs!!! That's 25 lbs in just 7 weeks!! WOO HOO!!

Next week is our picture and measurement day!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Milestones & realizations.

6 weeks. :) Weigh in this morning showed a 2 lbs loss, putting me at a total loss of 20 lbs! Goal number one... Check! There are 6 more weeks until our muffin plan is over. I'm going to shoot for 20 more pounds. I guess I better go get on the elliptical. :)

Jay showed no gain or loss this morning. He is still down 16 lbs and looking amazing.  After stepping off the scale he said, "So...I guess I have to start working out." I called him a brat since I've been working out 4 days a week since we started. lol At least now I'll have a workout partner.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I swear she was trying to kill me.

Today I went to what would have been my last yoga class, but I've loved it so much that I decided to sign up for 12 more classes. (3 more months) When I got there I chatted with Sandra (my yoga instructor) about how great it was making me feel and all the lifestyle changes Jay and I have been making in the last several weeks. She was impressed with our weight loss and our decision to make this a permanent thing. And then she decided to try to kill me.

I didn't know I could sweat that much in yoga. I mean really sweat. Like, dripping from my face onto the mat kind of sweating. Ick. It was so bad that my hands were perspiring. She had us doing sun salutations, downward dogs, cats, some move where you stick your rear in the air and smash your face on the ground, planks, scorpions...all supposed to be in these fluid movements and with steady breathing in and out of our noses. Um......No.

I was doing good just to get into one position by the time that she moved onto another. And forget about the breathing. I was lucky I was containing my grunting. :) I'm pretty convinced that as soon as since she knew she had me locked into 12 more sessions, she decided to go all Terminator Yoga Lady on us. :)

With all that said...I felt better after class, had more energy and was already looking forward to next week's butt kicking.

Monday, September 12, 2011

If you slack, you'll gain it back.

I'll start by saying neither Jay or myself gained weight this week, but it was evident that we weren't as strict on our food choices. :(

Jay lost 2 more pounds putting him at 191. 16 pounds gone.
I lost only 1 pound putting me at 221. 18 pounds gone.

I worked out 4 times last week but didn't stick with my healthier foods that I had in the past weeks. I ate pasta several times last week (4 i think) and wasn't drinking as much water as I have been. BUT, I'm back on track this week. I'm setting a goal to lose 2 more pounds this week. Planning on spending a little bit more time in the gym this week and after much deliberation, I've decided to stick with the Yoga class. I really enjoy it and feel so good when I leave there. It's a little pricey, but Jay and I think it's worth it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

One month results are in!

It's been one month since Jay and I started our journey together. And the results are in. What we are doing is working. :) The muffins, the lower calorie intake, the better choice of food and the working out are making a difference!

Jay first weighed in at 207 lbs. This morning he weighed in at 193 lbs! He has lost 14 lbs in one month. Jay is only 13 lbs away from his goal weight!! Here are side by side comparison pics for Jay.

Week 1                                                                                                        Week 4

Week 1                                                                          Week 4
And as for myself.... I first weighed in at 239 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 222 lbs! 17 lbs gone! I could not be more thrilled! I haven't really noticed a difference in the way I looked, but Jay said he can tell. The pictures are helping me see the difference. :)

Week 1                                                                           Week 4

Week 1                                                                        Week 4

I'll be posting my measurements on Tuesday when I go back to work. I don't own a cloth measuring tape. lol