Saturday, December 31, 2011

A little more Sheryl than you are used to.

Ok folks... I decided I'm going to post ALL my pics for your viewing pleasure. (Maybe I should say viewing displeasure)

Normally I just post pics with a front and side view. I've been taking rear view pics this whole time but was way too ashamed to actually share them. Until today. I have no idea why I feel this is a good idea,...but here goes.

Week 1                                                                                                         Week 20

Holy BackFat Batman!!
Ignore the tattoo.

So there it is.... I'm hesitating pressing the post button. Crap. Fine. I'll just do it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pics and yoga

I am missing Yoga SO TERRIBLY!!! There isn't a class until after the new year and I missed the last two weeks classes because of stupid jury duty. :(  I can't wait until classes start back up.

I should have my 5 month pics up in the next couple of days.  The good news is that I weighed in this week at 195.8. One whole pound down from last week. I made it through Christmas without gaining weight!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays!!

The beginning of this Christmas week is starting off well! I weighed in yesterday at 196.8 lbs. Almost 2 whole pounds. I'm hoping with all the Christmas goodies, I will be able to at least maintain that weight through the new year!

I've been in jury duty since Tuesday last week and go back tomorrow. (they had other obligations today so they postponed it a day) Hopefully we'll have this case wrapped up by tomorrow night. I would hate to end up in the courtroom on Wednesday too since Jay and I have company in town that day. :(

On a side note, I need some prayer warriors. My step kid's mom is ill. She was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy brought on by Guillain Barre syndrome. It's a pretty ugly condition and she starts treatment (similar to chemo) this week. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery and healing process.

Monday, December 12, 2011

6 tenths of a pound

Don't get me wrong. I'm excited I'm still losing, I'm just frustrated by the slowing down of the weight loss. I'm down to 198.6 this week. Hoping to get to 195 by the new year. Also.. I'm down two pants sizes. I went from a 22 to an 18. (so far) My yoga class is going on Christmas vacation so I'm going to try my HARDEST to spend two extra days in the gym a week until the classes start again on Jan 7th.

Any advice on how to avoid the yummy goodness that is destined to taunt me over the Christmas holiday?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Pics and stuff...

It's that time again... Actually I'm a week late with the pics and a little disappointed in myself. Since the last set of pics (5 weeks ago) I've only lost 6 pounds. Here's hoping that the next three weeks will be better!!

Week 1                                                                                                       Week 17

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Say it with me....ONE.....DER.....


I did it! This morning I weighed in at 199.2 lbs!!! And I made it to Onederland during Thanksgiving! I feel like all I've done all weekend is eat, but the difference is that I made good choices at all my meals. I had lots of turkey...but no gravy. I made sure not to over do it on the stuffing and mashed potatoes. I even had a slice of buttermilk pie! But I ate my Rev Muffin before every meal and felt full a few bites into each meal. :)

I've lost 40 pounds since I began my journey on August 7th. This is the first time since college that I've been less than 200 lbs. I can hardly begin to describe how that feels. I'm so looking forward to when I weigh less than my husband does. (this hasn't happened since I met him in high school!)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's a good day here in the Wright house! We have the kids with us and are visiting family today. I also got a surprise that I will reveal at a later date... hehehe

But for now I am excited to share that I lost 3.4 pounds this week!! :) I'm only 5 tenths of a pound away from the 100's!! (official weight is 200.4)

Believe me.. I tried everything this morning to weight just a little less, but apparently, urine does not really weigh that much and I couldn't get anymore naked on the scale. hahaha

Next week..... ONEDERLAND!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


I've decided to start posting my weight the way my scale shows it. Until now I've been posting it without the tenths of pounds. So starting this week I'll be posting a more detailed weight.

I have to confess. I've been slacking. Last week I weighed in at 203.0 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 203.8. :(  Jay and I spent the weekend at the lakehouse with my cousin and some of her friends. I think I know what might have caused this increase in weight. It may have been the chips and guacamole that I might have had. Or the cheddar chex mix that I might have snacked on. Or even possibly the Patron Silver shots that may have impaired my weight loss. We may never know for sure. :)

Either way I'm back on track...Gym time tonight, yoga tomorrow and lower calorie foods!! Onderland may have eluded me this week, but I will find it by Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My passion!

Many of you know my passion for the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day. I thought I would take this opportunity to blog about it and my experience this year. (I will post my weight loss info at the end)

In 1999 my Aunt Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer. By 2001 she was still fighting it with treatment and hopes. That was when I heard the radio commercial. Avon was holding a new type of one had done it before. They were challenging people to walk 60 miles in 3 days to raise awareness and funds in the fight against breast cancer. I was just out of college and thought...this is something I have to do. I  immediately picked up my cell phone and registered as a walker for the April 2002 Dallas Fort Worth event. Most people called me crazy when I told them what I was doing. I had to raise $2200 in order to even get the chance to walk. But I was determined to do it so I raise all $2200 dollars and trained for about a week and a half. lol Even though I didn't walk all 60 miles, I was welcomed into a new family that was united in one goal. To find a cure for breast cancer. For those 3 days, I was in a "3 Day bubble" where everyone was happy, motivating, emotional, generous, courageous, patient, loving and bleeding pink. That's where my addiction began.

Unfortunately in 2003, my Aunt Linda lost her battle with breast cancer. She was only 50 years old. So in 2005 when the 3 Day returned to the DFW area (as Susan G Komen) I signed up right away to be a crew member instead of a walker. I was lucky enough to get a Sweep position. The Sweeps drive along the route in passenger vans, cheering on walkers, blaring music and picking up anyone who needs us. Also that first year I was asked to be the captain of the Sweep Team. :) And I haven't stopped since. This year however I was given another reason why I can't stop doing this. My Aunt Mary was diagnosed and is fighting this ugly disease as I type this.

Last weekend I participated in my 8th 3 Day. (7th as the Sweep captain) Each year I get to enjoy 3 full days with my bff Deb, long hours, sleeping in a tent, showering in a trailer and helping walkers make it to the closing ceremonies. Deb and I are already signed up for next year. Our plan is to switch it up in 2013 and become walkers! :)

With all this said, I actually lost weight over the 3 Day! This came as a surprise to me since the 3 Day has a snack called Graham Snackers aka my kryptonite. It's a peanut butter and grape jelly graham cracker sandwich. It's the devil. lol  So 2 more lbs are gone! I'm at 203... SO CLOSE TO ONEDERLAND!!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rev Muffin Challenge Results!!!!

Three months ago, Jay and I were selected to take part in a challenge to lose weight by eating Rev Muffins. The challenge was to eat one muffin 15 minutes before each meal with 16 oz of water. That's it. We were allowed to eat anything we wanted for our meals except fried foods. And we were allowed to drink anything except regular sodas and alcohol. Simple enough. :) The muffins taste great and work wonders for keeping us full and satisfied.

Jay and I decided early on that we were ready to take getting healthy seriously. Instead of eating our normal junk food and snacking ALL the time, we incorporated more fruit and vegetables into our meals. We made better choices in our food overall. I immediately began working out when I started the challenge. Trying to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in three times a week. Jay didn't begin his cardio work until the last month of the challenge. *showoff* :)

So today is the last day of the Rev Muffin Challenge and we are ready (and excited) to show you our results!

Jay started the challenge weighing in at 207 lbs.

Week 1                                                                                                           Week 12

This morning Jay reached his goal and weighed in at 180 lbs! 27 pounds melted away!! He went down two pants sizes.

Jay and his fatty pants.

I started the challenge weighing 239lbs. *shudder*

Week 1                                                                                                            Week 12

This morning I weighed in at 205 lbs! A total loss of 34lbs. I am well on my way to my ultimate goal of losing 99 pounds. :)

And now for another really exciting announcement....

Eric (the creator of the amazing Rev Muffin) has offered to keep me on the rev muffin program for a while longer!! He was really impressed with the results from Jay and I. Since Jay has reached his goal and I'm still a LONG way from mine, he asked me to keep it up! :) I'm totally pumped about having this opportunity. And I'm excited to keep you all up to date on my progress.

And to Eric...Thank you again so much for giving Jay and I this gift. It was exactly what we needed to get our lives back. I don't think I could ever truly express to you how much this has helped us. We are forever grateful.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A scale is a scale is a scale...Right?

I went to the doctor's office this morning to have them take my blood again because they wanted to rerun the thyroid test. Why? I don't know...the nurse couldn't tell me. She just said in July it was abnormal. Anyway...

I thought..oh! I was here in July before Jay and I started our getting healthy journey. So I asked the nurse if she wouldn't mind weighing me and telling me how much I've lost since I was there 3 months ago. I guess I was convinced that the doctor's scale is more accurate than my $25 walmart one. :)

She said when they weighed me in July I was 238. (one pound less than my starting weight on my scale) This morning I was 208 on their scale. (I was 207 on Sunday on my scale) Keep in mind on the doctor's scale I'm in clothes and shoes and on my scale I'm in the buff. (you are so welcome for that visual. lol)

So I guess my cheapo scale is pretty accurate.


Monday, October 24, 2011

3...5...25....32.....HUT! Jay and I don't actually watch football, but it just seemed appropriate with the Cowboys win yesterday. Oh....and GO RANGERS!!!!

There is only one week left of our official "Rev Muffin Challenge." The plan is to continue with our food changes, workout programs and we'll still continue SOME of the muffins, but it will definitely be less since we will have to start paying for them. :)

This week's weigh in was really great. Jay lost 5lbs bringing his total weight loss to 25lbs. Jay's weight is 182, only 2 pounds away from his goal weight. (I'm a little jealous)

I lost 3lbs this week bringing my total to 32lbs. I've actually reached Jay's starting weight which was 207.

This last week, we're both hoping to have big numbers and are really looking forward to the before and after photos. *shocking I know!*

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Elliptical showdown...

Jay and I rocked it on the elliptical yesterday. :)

I made my first mile in 8 minutes and 40 seconds.  Jay made his first two miles in 15 minutes and 46 seconds. I ended up at 3 miles in 31 minutes 25 seconds. Jay was just 4/10 of a mile short of 4 miles in 30 minutes flat!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Cruise Results....

For those of you that didn't know, Jay and I went on a Bahamas cruise for our 5th wedding anniversary. We had such a wonderful time. :) We visited the ship's gym, went on a kayak/hiking tour, and did a LOT of walking all over the ship. We made great food choices...ate nothing fried. I took advantage of all the seafood since I rarely cook it at home. (Jay hates fish) We avoided sodas...that part was easy. We might have cheated a little on the alcohol. :)

So our weigh in results this week are as follows:

Jay went from 185 last week to 187 this week. I blame all the red meat he had on the cruise. :)

I went from 211 last week to 210 this week! Hooray seafood!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hooray for the rainy Sunday!

I hope the rain is finding everyone else! It started raining at our house at 7 last night and hasn't stopped. SO thankful for it! It had been so long since we had a good storm that the kids were scared of the thunder and lightening. :)

Weigh in time!!!

We had a good week. :) Jay lost 4 lbs. He is down to 185, smashing through the 189 roadblock he's been at for the last couple of weeks. 22 lbs from his starting weight. :) He is going to buy new pants today since all his are falling off...even WITH his belt!

I lost 2 more lbs. I'm weighing in at 211 now. 28 lbs from my starting weight. :)

We are both really excited about the way things have been going for us. It is definitely keeping us motivated. :) Jay even resisted donuts and sausage rolls the other morning because he didn't want to mess up his weight loss. What a good man. :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

The dreaded pictures....

I thought it would get easier to take these pictures each month but I was wrong. :(

We weighed in a day late this week due to being at a hotel on Sunday morning. My cousin Amanda got married and we decided we would treat ourselves with a night at the Belmont Hotel in Dallas. (the location of the wedding.) It was such a great wedding and the hotel was amazing!

Back to business...

Jay's discrepancy last week has come back to bite him. He weighed in this morning at 189 lbs. (2 lbs up from what he weighed in at last week...if you count the second weigh in.) lol Either way, he is still down 18 lbs and looking really good! We have to go shopping for him this weekend because his shorts are way too big and his belt doesn't have anymore notches to go!

Week 1                                                                                                       Week 8

I weighed in this morning at 213 lbs. 1 lb less than last week. 26 lbs total. The only new clothing I need are bras. :( My girls are slowly disappearing. In my August 11th entry, I posted my measurements. I've decided to update those today.
My upper arms started at 16.5 inches and is now 15inches
My thigh started at 28.5 inches and is now 27 inches
My waist started at 45.75 inches and is now 42 inches
And my hips started at 54.5 inches and is now 52 inches

Week 1                                                                                                     Week 8

Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's keep our fingers crossed....

That uti that should have been getting better, got worse. I'm finishing my second round of anibiotics today. I've been feeling pretty unmotivated about working out but got back on track yesterday.

Also, in just 11 days, Jay and I will be going on a cruise. I'm planning on taking full advantage of their's the food I'm worried about. How am I going to get 30 muffins from Texas to Florida, then on a ship to the bahamas?

Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's know what that means!

It's weigh in day!

It's been a tough week for me. I became ill with a urinary tract infection on Wednesday (tmi?) and thought I was going to have to go to the hospital Friday night because I wasn't feeling any better. Luckily on Saturday morning I woke feeling some sort of relief. Apparently the meds need 3 full days to kick in. Let me just say Wednesday afternoon through Friday night was unpleasant. AND I didn't work out at all. Glad that's over with!

There is a discrepancy with Jay's weigh in this week. ;) He and I weighed in at the same time. The scale showed he lost 2 lbs making his total weight loss 18lbs! About twenty minutes later he decided to weigh in again and the scale showed him at 187lbs. That's a 20 lbs loss. :) He is sticking with the latter weigh in of course.

I got on the scale expecting much of nothing since I've been pretty much immobile the last few days. To my surprise, I have lost 5 more lbs!!! That's 25 lbs in just 7 weeks!! WOO HOO!!

Next week is our picture and measurement day!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Milestones & realizations.

6 weeks. :) Weigh in this morning showed a 2 lbs loss, putting me at a total loss of 20 lbs! Goal number one... Check! There are 6 more weeks until our muffin plan is over. I'm going to shoot for 20 more pounds. I guess I better go get on the elliptical. :)

Jay showed no gain or loss this morning. He is still down 16 lbs and looking amazing.  After stepping off the scale he said, "So...I guess I have to start working out." I called him a brat since I've been working out 4 days a week since we started. lol At least now I'll have a workout partner.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I swear she was trying to kill me.

Today I went to what would have been my last yoga class, but I've loved it so much that I decided to sign up for 12 more classes. (3 more months) When I got there I chatted with Sandra (my yoga instructor) about how great it was making me feel and all the lifestyle changes Jay and I have been making in the last several weeks. She was impressed with our weight loss and our decision to make this a permanent thing. And then she decided to try to kill me.

I didn't know I could sweat that much in yoga. I mean really sweat. Like, dripping from my face onto the mat kind of sweating. Ick. It was so bad that my hands were perspiring. She had us doing sun salutations, downward dogs, cats, some move where you stick your rear in the air and smash your face on the ground, planks, scorpions...all supposed to be in these fluid movements and with steady breathing in and out of our noses. Um......No.

I was doing good just to get into one position by the time that she moved onto another. And forget about the breathing. I was lucky I was containing my grunting. :) I'm pretty convinced that as soon as since she knew she had me locked into 12 more sessions, she decided to go all Terminator Yoga Lady on us. :)

With all that said...I felt better after class, had more energy and was already looking forward to next week's butt kicking.

Monday, September 12, 2011

If you slack, you'll gain it back.

I'll start by saying neither Jay or myself gained weight this week, but it was evident that we weren't as strict on our food choices. :(

Jay lost 2 more pounds putting him at 191. 16 pounds gone.
I lost only 1 pound putting me at 221. 18 pounds gone.

I worked out 4 times last week but didn't stick with my healthier foods that I had in the past weeks. I ate pasta several times last week (4 i think) and wasn't drinking as much water as I have been. BUT, I'm back on track this week. I'm setting a goal to lose 2 more pounds this week. Planning on spending a little bit more time in the gym this week and after much deliberation, I've decided to stick with the Yoga class. I really enjoy it and feel so good when I leave there. It's a little pricey, but Jay and I think it's worth it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

One month results are in!

It's been one month since Jay and I started our journey together. And the results are in. What we are doing is working. :) The muffins, the lower calorie intake, the better choice of food and the working out are making a difference!

Jay first weighed in at 207 lbs. This morning he weighed in at 193 lbs! He has lost 14 lbs in one month. Jay is only 13 lbs away from his goal weight!! Here are side by side comparison pics for Jay.

Week 1                                                                                                        Week 4

Week 1                                                                          Week 4
And as for myself.... I first weighed in at 239 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 222 lbs! 17 lbs gone! I could not be more thrilled! I haven't really noticed a difference in the way I looked, but Jay said he can tell. The pictures are helping me see the difference. :)

Week 1                                                                           Week 4

Week 1                                                                        Week 4

I'll be posting my measurements on Tuesday when I go back to work. I don't own a cloth measuring tape. lol

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

For all those muffin naysayers!

I wanted to clear something up for all those out there that question the power of the Rev Muffin.

First of all, the Rev Muffin was designed to help curb appetites. It was not designed as a meal replacement, not as a get skinny quick plan, and certainly not as a gimmicky weight loss fad. The Rev Muffin was created to help individuals like myself train their minds and their bodies in the art of portion control.

I've been eating Rev Muffins for 3 weeks now and have seen a weight loss of 12lbs. I cannot say that my loss has been based solely on the Rev Muffins, but they do exactly what they promise to. :) When I started the Rev Muffin Challenge, I also began watching what I was eating and have been trying to lower my caloric intake. Before the Challenge, I would CRAVE eating. Not certain foods, just the act of eating. The Rev Muffin has completely changed that for me. I no longer get the urge to be eating because I always feel so full. I eat one muffin 10 minutes before each meal with a large glass of water and I haven't over eaten since.

Some say that once I stop eating the muffins that I will gain all the weight back. I understand that I won't be eating these Rev Muffins for the rest of my life and I'm preparing for that now. The Rev Muffins are a tool in helping me relearn how to eat. And I can't say it enough..... THEY WORK!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Another week, another loss!

Good morning everyone! I'll start with our weigh in news!

Jay is down 3 more pounds putting him at 197! He has lost 10lbs total. Only 17 more pounds to reach his goal!

I'm also down 3 more pounds also. That's 12 total pounds for me. I'm now at 227! I'm still a long way off from my total goal, but I'm setting small goals first so I won't get disappointed. So instead of thinking about the 78lbs I have to go, I'm pushing to get the next 8lb loss. (a total of 20lbs)

It's hard to believe it's only been 3 weeks since we started this journey.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Yoga kicked my a*%

I went to my first Yoga class tonight. I knew it was going to be hard even though it was a beginners class. I knew it was going to be hard because I haven't really "moved" my body since I was on dance team in high school. I knew it was going to be hard because frankly, I'm out of shape.

But I went. I  went, and I was right. IT WAS HARD!

First of all, I have always been intimidated by Yoga. I don't know why. It's just always been scary for me. Maybe because I think I'm going to make a complete fool out of myself.

Anyway, the first 30 minutes was just an introduction to breathing techniques. (even this part wasn't easy) Then we incorporated our upper body movements (arm circles, etc) with our breathing. At this point I thought I was going to die. My shoulder muscles hurt so bad I swear my arms were just going to fly off. I'll be lucky if I can lift my arms up to my keyboard tomorrow. Finally we worked on some standard Yoga poses and ab strengthening. Dear God. What was I thinking? For our final pose, I actually asked the instructor if she was joking. She wanted me to put my heels against the wall, put my hands down in front of me, and then walk my feet up the wall. (essentially putting me in a handstand against the wall kind of position) I truly thought she was nuts. But...she helped me by having me put one leg up, then bring it down, then put the other up, etc. Until she then grabbed my waist and said..." both feet." You can imagine my surprise when I was successful. How in the world were my arms and wrists holding up my 230lb body!?!

At the end of class, the instructor stopped me before leaving to tell me that she was really impressed with me. She said that I definitely have a natural gift of flexibility and that she was surprised this was my first ever Yoga class. So, needless to say.... I'm signed up for at least three more classes. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weigh in numero deuce

Drum roll please!

Jay weighed in at 200 lbs. 4 pounds have melted away!!! Only one more pound and he enters Onederland! *super cheesy I know*

I got on the scale and saw a 4 pound loss at well! I'm now 230. Super pumped about it. I've just been hoping for 2lbs a week. 2 a week and I would be happy and satisfied. 9 pounds in two weeks...I'm THRILLED!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

500 pound legs!

Today I used a bike machine at the gym. It wasn't the stationary bike, but the one you sit in like a chair and your legs are out in front of you. I don't know what that is called.
Anyway, I went 13.26 miles in 46 minutes on this thing! I was surprised I didn't burn out before that. I didn't really break a sweat or feel tired. I stopped because it was time to come home and fix dinner. The really funny part was when I got off the bike thingy. My lower and upper body felt like they were two separate entities. :) My legs were working but it was as if they weren't actually connected to my body. I almost laughed out loud in the middle of the gym. (which would have been seriously strange looking since I didn't have my headphones on anymore)
THEN...I went out to my truck and attempted to get into it. I say attempted because when I went to lift my leg up inside the cab, it didn't even clear the seat! It was hysterical. This time I did laugh out loud at myself. Luckily with a little upper body help I made it into the truck and headed home.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

School time, energy & the BFF

This week has been flying by! We've been preparing the kids to go back to school. (and their mom's house) They are all excited to be with mom but sure do hate leaving dad. That's got to be hard on them. :( Jaci is starting junior high and I can't be more thrilled for her. Let's hope she really gets organized this year. Meet the teacher is tonight for the other two. Jera will be in 4th and Jacob in 3rd. They are getting big fast!

As for me, my energy level is increasing. :) I've been maintaining a steady calorie intake and drinking TONS of water. I'm up to almost 130 oz a day. And I'm craving the stuff! As soon as my water bottle is empty I'm filling it up because I am thirsty. Weird. Missed my workout on Monday but got to the gym on Tuesday and will be heading there again today.

Did I mention I have the most awesome best friend ever? For real though...she has been incredibly supportive of my lifestyle change. It started with the better choices at sushi with not one complaint and last night when we got back to her place after dinner SHE suggested that we take Liam on a walk to the local park. I love my BFF!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

BEWARE. Boring post. Week 1 meals

8/8/2011breakfastRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/8/2011breakfastApple, Gala (medium), 1 serving800220
8/8/2011lunchTomato Soup, 0.5 cup751172
8/8/2011lunchGrilled Cheese Sandwich, 1 serving320153611
8/8/2011lunchRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/8/2011lunchDill Pickles, 5 slice6010
8/8/2011dinnerSushi, Spicy Tuna Roll (8 pcs.), 1 serving32036213
8/8/2011dinnerRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/8/2011dinnerCantaloupe, 0.5 cup, balls31071
8/9/2011breakfastApple, Gala (medium), 1.5 serving1200330
8/9/2011breakfastRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/9/2011lunchRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/9/2011lunchPlums, 1 fruit (2-1/8in. dia)30080
8/9/2011lunchMichelina's Chicken Club Flatbread, 1 serving29084115
8/9/2011dinnerJennie-O Turkey breakfast sausage link, 2 serving28022018
8/9/2011dinnerRed Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup, chopped or sliced19041
8/9/2011dinnerEgg Noodles, enriched, 2 cup29035411
8/9/2011dinnerSauce, Pasta Sauce, Ragu Chunky Garden Style, Tomato, Basil and Italian Cheese, 1 serving1103173
8/9/2011dinnerRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/9/2011snackBanana, fresh, 1 extra small (less than 6in. long)740191
8/10/2011breakfastRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/10/2011breakfastSmart Ones Breakfast Burritos, 1 serving24003211
8/10/2011lunchSmart One Mini Rigatoni with Vodka Cream Sauce, 1 serving29064813
8/10/2011lunchRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/10/2011dinnerWild Sushi Roll, 1 serving500000
8/10/2011dinnerPretty Lady Roll, 0.5 serving250000
8/10/2011dinnerEdamame, shelled, fresh, 0.5 cup1003910
8/11/2011breakfastApple, Gala (medium), 1 serving800220
8/11/2011breakfastRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/11/2011lunchJennie-O Turkey breakfast sausage link, 1 serving1401109
8/11/2011lunchRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/11/2011lunchRed Ripe Tomatoes, 0.25 cup, chopped or sliced9020
8/11/2011lunchEgg Noodles, enriched, 1 cup1452275
8/11/2011lunchSauce, Pasta Sauce, Ragu Chunky Garden Style, Tomato, Basil and Italian Cheese, 0.5 serving55292
8/11/2011dinnerRed Ripe Tomatoes, 1 medium whole (2-3/5in. dia)26061
8/11/2011dinnerCucumber (peeled), 1 medium24041
8/11/2011dinnerChicken Breast, no skin, 5 ounces1562033
8/11/2011dinnerKraft Fat Free Italian Salad Dressing, 1 tbsp10020
8/11/2011dinnerExtra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 tbsp1201400
8/11/2011dinnernew potatoe -one medium 75g, 2 serving600131
8/11/2011dinnerRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/11/2011snackBanana, fresh, 1 large (8in. to 8-7/8in. long)1251321
8/12/2011breakfastRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/12/2011breakfastSmart Ones Breakfast Burritos, 1 serving24003211
8/12/2011lunchRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/12/2011lunchWeight Watchers Smart Ones Three Cheese Ziti Marinara, 1 serving32084714
8/12/2011dinnerTrident Salmon Burger, 1 serving1709220
8/12/2011dinnerCouscous, 0.5 cup, cooked880183
8/12/2011snackFiber One Oats and Chocolate Chewy Bar, 1 bar1404292
8/13/2011breakfastWeight Watchers Smart Ones English Muffin Sandwich, 1 serving21062714
8/13/2011breakfastRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/13/2011lunchRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/13/2011lunchHealthy Choice - Fresh Mixer - Ziti & Meat Sauce, 1 serving34065615
8/13/2011dinnerRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/13/2011dinnerHam, Kirkland smoked honey ham, 3 oz1202615
8/13/2011dinnerLaughing Cow Light Creamy French Onion 1 wedge, 0.5 serving18111
8/13/2011dinnerKraft Zesty Fat Free Italian Dressing, 1 tbsp8020
8/13/2011dinnerRed Ripe Tomatoes, 1 cup cherry tomatoes31071
8/13/2011dinnerKraft Finely Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese, 0.15 cup66514
8/13/2011dinnerCucumber (peeled), 0.5 cup, pared, chopped8010
8/13/2011dinnerChicken Breast, no skin, 4 ounces1251026
8/13/2011snackBlue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds (28 almonds), 1 serving1601466
8/14/2011breakfastRev Muffin DC, 1 serving12031510
8/14/2011lunchPork Roast for Pulled Pork (4oz), 1.5 serving2109033
8/14/2011lunchBeans, Barbeque, Campbell, 3 oz812174
8/14/2011lunchSweet Baby Ray's Honey Barbeque Sauce, 3 tbsp1050260
8/14/2011lunchPotato Salad, 0.2 cup72461
8/14/2011lunchDill Pickles, 5 slice6010
8/14/2011lunchDinner Rolls, 0.5 roll (pan, dinner, or small roll) (2in. square, 2in. high)42171
8/14/2011dinnerHamburger, 1 sandwich426233223
8/14/2011dinnerCheese, Kraft  Mexican Style Taco Cheese, 0.25 cup100816
8/14/2011dinnerCauliflower, cooked, 0.5 cup (1in. pieces)14031
8/14/2011snackFiber One Oats and Chocolate Chewy Bar, 1 bar1404292