Saturday, December 31, 2011

A little more Sheryl than you are used to.

Ok folks... I decided I'm going to post ALL my pics for your viewing pleasure. (Maybe I should say viewing displeasure)

Normally I just post pics with a front and side view. I've been taking rear view pics this whole time but was way too ashamed to actually share them. Until today. I have no idea why I feel this is a good idea,...but here goes.

Week 1                                                                                                         Week 20

Holy BackFat Batman!!
Ignore the tattoo.

So there it is.... I'm hesitating pressing the post button. Crap. Fine. I'll just do it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pics and yoga

I am missing Yoga SO TERRIBLY!!! There isn't a class until after the new year and I missed the last two weeks classes because of stupid jury duty. :(  I can't wait until classes start back up.

I should have my 5 month pics up in the next couple of days.  The good news is that I weighed in this week at 195.8. One whole pound down from last week. I made it through Christmas without gaining weight!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays!!

The beginning of this Christmas week is starting off well! I weighed in yesterday at 196.8 lbs. Almost 2 whole pounds. I'm hoping with all the Christmas goodies, I will be able to at least maintain that weight through the new year!

I've been in jury duty since Tuesday last week and go back tomorrow. (they had other obligations today so they postponed it a day) Hopefully we'll have this case wrapped up by tomorrow night. I would hate to end up in the courtroom on Wednesday too since Jay and I have company in town that day. :(

On a side note, I need some prayer warriors. My step kid's mom is ill. She was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy brought on by Guillain Barre syndrome. It's a pretty ugly condition and she starts treatment (similar to chemo) this week. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery and healing process.

Monday, December 12, 2011

6 tenths of a pound

Don't get me wrong. I'm excited I'm still losing, I'm just frustrated by the slowing down of the weight loss. I'm down to 198.6 this week. Hoping to get to 195 by the new year. Also.. I'm down two pants sizes. I went from a 22 to an 18. (so far) My yoga class is going on Christmas vacation so I'm going to try my HARDEST to spend two extra days in the gym a week until the classes start again on Jan 7th.

Any advice on how to avoid the yummy goodness that is destined to taunt me over the Christmas holiday?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Pics and stuff...

It's that time again... Actually I'm a week late with the pics and a little disappointed in myself. Since the last set of pics (5 weeks ago) I've only lost 6 pounds. Here's hoping that the next three weeks will be better!!

Week 1                                                                                                       Week 17