Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's a good day...

Awesome Day Fact One: Today is a good day. :) I woke up this morning and weighed in at 185.2 lbs. That is a total weight loss of 54 pounds. Wow... I'm impressed with myself.

Awesome Day Fact Two: I've only bought two pieces of clothing throughout my weight loss. (bras) I told myself that I wasn't going to spend money on every size clothing on the way down to thin so I was going to wait until my clothes were falling off before I bought any. Well, today is that day. On Friday I realized that if I jogged to the car to get something, my shorts would fall off. haha Luckily I work with my family. So today, Deb and I are going shopping for a new wardrobe! Plus...I'm in a size 16 jeans. :) Deb had to point out to me that I don't have to shop at Avenue or Lane Bryant anymore. I can shop at a regular store in the mall. I haven't done that since college. 

Awesome Day Fact Three: Jay and I began training this week for the Warrior Dash. We just finished our 3rd out of 23 training runs. I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to sign up for it, but either way, we're committed now. So far we've had three training runs. And let me just say...running is stupid. There isn't anything fun about it. So many "runners" I know say it will get better and I'll start to love it but honestly I don't believe them. There is nothing I will love about panting, sweating, lung collapsing, boobs bouncing running. :)

Awesome Day Fact Four: The Rev Muffin plan I'm on now is mentally difficult but physically easy. *if that makes any sense* It's difficult to sit at the lunch table with everyone who is eating yummy meals and I have a muffin. I feel like that's mostly due to my food addiction. Throughout this journey I have come to realize how severe my food addiction really was. It never occurred to me until recently that I ate ALL the time. I was NEVER hungry because I had some sort of food every 90 minutes. I still always have the urge to be eating, but it's getting much easier to resist it. I'm training my mind to not want to be eating during tv time, or when I'm paying bills, or when I'm sitting at work. I feel really blessed to have had so much support from all my friends and family. And mostly to Eric for picking me to be a part of the Rev Muffin Challenge.

Awesome Day Fact Five: I changed the font of the blog because I didn't want anyone thinking I gained 22 lbs last was 2.2. I mean... cheat days are good....but they aren't 22 lbs good. :)


  1. soon we aren't going to recognize you but that is a good thing! You are doing so great and inspiring me to get back on track and continue my weight loss.

  2. You are doing awesome! The best part is you are learning more about yourself and your eating habits. I think the more you learn about those things, the 'easier' it will be to keep it off. Love you tons and so happy for your progress!!!!
